"Whaddaya' think? Beat it." He shoulder's the axe and looks at you with contempt. You see a giant, scarred thug with a huge axe. 0 stnd 25 113 enter 13 "Now go. I don't want to be seen talking to voles." She looks up at you. "I can't help you much. Meena doesn't like us at all. She owns this magic circlet we'd like to get from her, but it has powerful protections, and we don't know how to get through them. I hear Scab knows something about it." 0 icarus 15 "Not much. I'm waiting for my scimitar to be repaired." "Carol. I'm busy." A slight young woman with angular features sits drinking. 0 stnd 15 I'm eating, human. Leave me." "Mrrow. I'm Featherfoot. What's it to you?" A Nephilim sits hunched over the table, eating stew. His bow sits nearby. 0 stnd 14 "And we can always use gladiators. If you want to enter, let me know." "Yes. I don't expect voles such as yourself to appreciate the fine art of blood sport, but we enjoy it immensely. Combat between criminals. Gladiators battling captive sliths and giants. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing." 0 arena 13 "I'm the arenamaster." "Zagat." A man sits behind the table with his legs up. He's sharpening an axe. 0 stnd 13 "Yeah! But I won't tell you! But you know, the two gates aren't the only way into the city!" It does a little dance. 0 treas 12 It bounces up and down. "Yeah. Just having fun before I escape. You know, there's hidden stuff here? Treasures!" 0 explor 12 It slides through the bars of the cell, and slides back in again. "Oh, exploring." It hums. "Twink!" A gremlin dances around happily inside the cell. 0 stnd 12 114 steal 11 "She found out. She doesn't know I was in on it. But the others were killed. They died slow. Two of us lived, one's far away now. Anyway, just to get her back, to get that troll, I want to see someone steal it." 0 failed 11 "Anyway, some of us tried to steal it. But we failed." "Yeah. She's the mayor. Runs this place like her own personal hell. Thieves die. Don't like that. Well, she's got this magic circlet. Don't think it does anything, or at least that she knows how to use it, but it's a magic artifact and old." 0 meena 11 His head swings around. "You interested in that?" His sedate demeanor has disappeared. "You know, there's a person living here named Meena." 0 circlet 11 "I'm busy. Beat it." He looks at you blankly. "Scab." You notice his face is somewhat pocked, and his hands do have some scabs on them. An extremely nondescript man watches the arena with dull eyes. The only interesting thing about him is his long rapier. 0 stnd 11 40 19 "No cash? Get out!" 4 common 10 34 20 "No cash? Get out!" 3 nice 10 13 sell 8 17 12 Eustace's Apothecary 12 purch 8 "We don't serve drinks to voles. I'll put you in a room, because business has been slow, but no booze. Nice room is 15, common room is 5. No trouble from you, and if something gets stole, I don't care." "Harry. Whadda'ya want?" You are being watched by a man with snaggle-teeth and a huge cavewood club at his belt. He wipes the counter with a clean rag. 0 stnd 10 "Yeah. That's what we call you. You try to live in this pit, and make your own docile copy of the hell above. Well, we're free, and we'll stay free, no matter where you throw us!" 0 vole 9 "Believe it." "I've had you vole visitors before. You come here, all high and mighty, seeing your rejects, and you think you can do what you want, take what you want. Well, I'll kill you in a cold second if you don't behave, and Micah can't do a thing about it." 0 interf 9 "Yes, vole. I run this town. No thievery. No killing. No trouble. Anyone messes up, and I stretch their necks. That goes for voles." 0 mayor 9 "I'm the boss in this town. The mayor. I watch over things. And I don't want any interference. Do your business, and when you get called a vole, take it as a complement." "Meena. Mayor Meena. I'm in charge here." A short, strong looking woman with long black hair and a leather jerkin sits in a fine, carved wood throne and watching you. 0 stnd 9 She makes a hissing noise at you. "Yes - that's what you are. Voles. Who put us here in this pit with the giants and thieves. Now do your business with me and get out of my shop." 0 vole 8 "You can purchase potions here. Nothing fancy, like you voles makes. You can sell me your stuff too. I buy any of your nice vole things I can find, and sell them to people here." She cackles. "I'm Eunice! Come here and buy something!" An ancient harridan with alchemy-stained hands and arms sits hunched behind the counter. 0 stnd 8 He grins, showing you the food in his teeth. "Just leave town and wander around for a while. I'm sure some of the loyal and friendly residents of the Abyss will come greet you eventually! Just be sure to buy some rations before you go." 0 sights 7 6 20 11 purch 7 "Well. You can purchase dried food here, for wherever you're going. There are some interesting sights around here." "Eustace." He extends a greasy hand for you to shake. A bloated, dark-skinned man watches you carefully. He is surrounded by slabs of disreputable looking meat and loaves of greenish bread. 0 stnd 7 His mouth twists evilly. "Yes. There are things here you might want to steal. But I'm not the one to ask. If you meet a man named Scab, ask him about the circlet. There are some people here who'd like to see that thing disappear." 0 thiev 6 8 1 Entwhistle's Supplies 12 purch 6 "I supply goods. Of all sorts. You look to be voles, but your money looks as good as any, so you can buy something if you want. But if you plan some thievery, watch it." "Entwhistle the supplier." A greasy man with stained clothes loafs behind the counter. He gives you a knowing, nasty look. 0 stnd 6 17 10 Cliff's Armory 7 weapon 5 "Armor or weapons?" 0 purch 5 12 7 Cliff's Armory 5 armor 5 He spits at your feet. "I don't like to sell ta' voles, but I'll give ya' a break. I got some armor and weapons I'll unload on ya'." "Cliff." A very tall man with a permanent sneer stomps around here. 0 stnd 5 "Buzz off." 35 7 A large crude sign says: Welcome to Spire. Visitors are warned - the laws are harsh here. A sign on the wall says: Eustace's Supplies A sign on the wall says: Eunice's Apothecary A bronze plaque reads: Office of Meena Mayor of Spire A large crude sign says: Welcome to Spire. Visitors are warned - the laws are harsh here. Spire